


Thursday, 5 April 2012

4) How to incorporate Tabata protocol in your training regimen? a. Martial arts

4)    How to incorporate Tabata protocol in your training regimen

a.    Martial arts

                                          i.    Taekwondo: mondolyo

Taekwondo is very famous for its kicks, spinning, jumping etc. It was called “flying karate” before becoming more popular than Karate itself.  The “Mondolyo Tchagi” is one of the best techniques for applying Tabata principles. To avoid vertigo, I strongly advised to change the direction of the spin at each kick, and adding a “step” to switch your legs. If a partner can handle the target for you, it’s a perfect choice because he will help you to monitor the time and to count the number of kicks you can execute. Be careful to warm up and to stretch enough before performing the kick.  You need to have a certain level to master this kick and to fully benefit of the Tabata training. From my point of view (as a black belt 4th degree), I would advise to be at least red belt, or to have some experience in competition.

Other alternatives might include pit tchagi right/left without stop and as fast possible, with a partner or a sandbag or equivalent.  You can try also tuio duit dora tchagi (jumped horse kick).

                                         ii.    Bear with barbell for MMA

For MMA (Mixed Martials Arts), it is interesting to combine cardio and strength training. A “combo” with a barbell, like the “bear” might be a good choice. (

                                        iii.    Punching bag kicks+punches

For contact sport, such a Thai Boxing, Full contact, French Savate etc… a work out with punching bag with provide an intense Tabata workout, especially with combination of punches and kicks.

                                       iv.    Jump rope

This is an excellent exercise, required a limited space and involving lower and upper body muscles. To reach the 170% of VO2Max, you will probably need to jump with two feet at the same time, either with a very high speed or jumping high, or make a “double under” (the rope passes twice under your feet). A loaded handgrip might help to make the exercise harder as well.

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