


Friday, 30 November 2012

Tabata: high intensity, fast results

In this article, the author describes :
"With short, all-out blasts of energy and even shorter breaks, the 30-minute workout technique is drawing clients who want results fast."
So usual Tabata is only 4mn, but including warm up and cool, plus 2 or 3 sets of Tabata, you can work out around 30mn;
Interestingly, one fitness manager says ""We've used interval training before, but we started offering Tabata classes in January because we were getting so many requests," . So the demand is there and increasing! No surprise, Tabata works
As usual however, the exercises chosen are not always intense enough or sollicitate enough large muscle groups to reach the 170% of VO2max, so the sessions are probably more like a HIIT:
"Adherents use four or five different exercises during a workout, and often different ones during the next one. Often included are pushups, situps, squats, chin pulls, punches, kicks, sprinting in place, riding stationary bikes and lifting weights."
Full article:

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