


Monday, 25 August 2014

Burn calories with the 4-minute

Short artice, easy to understand, with good advices about warming-up and cooling down.
Tabata workout! The Tabata workout, a super high-intensity internal training (HIIT) routine takes only a few minutes but promises to burn as many calories as you would in an hour of running or cycling!
One of the most popular HIIT forms today, Tabata intervals are only 20 seconds long, with 10 seconds of rest in between - repeated eight times. This can be done with almost any form of cardio exercise -running, swimming, cycling, plyometrics, jumping rope -and can be done anywhere. Discovered by Japanese professor Izumi Tabata in the 70s, this `fat-burning miracle' workout is great for those who are pressed for time. In fact, if done correctly, just four minutes of Tabata could produce better fitness results than an entire hour of running on the treadmill!

Full article:

Get fit with a 4 minute workout

I find this article a bit misleading.

For instance:
"In the original study by Dr. Tabata, one group did 30-minute workouts four days a week, while the other group only did the four-minute Tabata workout four days a week," --> We know it was 1 hour for 5 days at 70% of VO2 max for the cardio group, VS 4 Tabata sessions plus 1h cardio for the Tabata group.

"Tabata training also works with low impact exercises such as biking, squats, or push ups." --> not really for push-ups... you can incorporate such exercises from time to time but you will never get the same intensity (170% Vo2 max).

"Experts suggest easing into the workout because it can be taxing on the body. Try doing 30 seconds of intense exercise then taking a 30 second break for a few rounds before working your way up to the full four minute workout." --> 30 seconds will be harder than 20s if you target the same intensity as Tabata. A progressive training must include HIIT with a ratio 1:3 for instance (3 times the duration for rest, for instance 20/60, 30/90, 1mn/3mn and then reduce to 1:2, then 1:1 like the classical 30s/30s in running, and finally move your way to 2:1 like Tabata).

Tabata: Get Fit in Four Minutes without Weights

Good article, straight to the point, to understand Tabata Training.

"Bottom Line: We think Tabata worked for us. After doing it several times a week over a few weeks, it got easier and easier, pounds were shed, and resting heart rates dropped. We felt, dare we say, fit. Plus, there’s the whole you-don’t-have-to-waste-hours-sweating thing. So we’ll take short and effective, over long and questionable any day.
Just make sure to consult your doctor first. We don’t want to be responsible for one of your coronary artery rupturing while you try to Tabata away years of punishing your body with triple bacon cheese burgers."

Friday, 15 August 2014

10 Workout Shortcuts to Maximize Your Calorie Burn

The pick of the week is this article, which summarizes 10 different types of training, intended to maximise your results and calories outburst.


1. Pyramid Training
2. The Tabata protocol
Dr. Izumi Tabata’s high-intensity interval-type training (HIIT) protocol calls for just 20 seconds of all-out drop-dead effort, followed by a mere 10 seconds of rest. This intense cycle is repeated eight times. This protocol reduces your risk of diabetes, increases your maximal aerobic power and anaerobic capacity, and:
“Another soon-to-be-published finding, which Tabata describes as ‘rather significant,’ shows that the Tabata protocol burns an extra 150 calories in the 12 hours after exercise, even at rest, due to the effect of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. So while it is used by most people to get fit – or by fit people to get even fitter – it also burns fat.
3. Interval Cardio
4. Mix Cardio and Weights
5. Drop Sets
6. Plyometrics
7. Super Sets
8. Compounds Sets
9. Giant Sets
10. Combine Two Moves Into One

News on Tabata!

The key word "Tabata Training" is still very active this week!

Albert Lea Tribune
Tabata workout is offered at the Albert Lea Family Y
Working in-tune to fast-paced music, instructor Jessica Williams led ten women through a Tabata workout July 28 at the Albert Lea Family Y.

Irish Independent
Let 100 fit days plan whip you into shape for 2014
These form the basis of your exercise programme for your first seven FIT days. You will perform these exercises in the Tabata style of training.

Short Bursts of Exercise Are Better Than Exercising Nonstop
“The return on investment of interval training is fabulous, and it keeps ... more extreme, it can mean high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and Tabata.

Don't Let Your Fitness Routine Become 'Groundhog Day'
Pick six to 10 Tabata exercises for your total workout, performing eight sets of each exercise for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest after each one.

Fitness Wisdom: 4 Minutes Of Cardio
Some of you may know him or his work already through fitness classes at your gym or a torturous workout. His name is Izumi Tabata, and he is the ...

Daily Life
The 30-second gym routine everyone should follow
This is when I lean on my old friend Tabata. No, not a Japanese energy drink, but rather a form of high-intensity interval training that gets you in and ...

10 Workout Shortcuts to Maximize Your Calorie Burn
By increasing the intensity of your workout and interspersing it with short ... Dr. Izumi Tabata's high-intensity interval-type training (HIIT) protocol calls ...