This article suggests four sets of Tabata, with 5mn rest in-between, which makes a total of (4+5)x5=45mn. Maybe rest period can be lowered to 2-3mn depending on your fitness level.
Want to see what Tabata is all about? Try the routine below. Perform 20 seconds on each move, then 10 seconds off, repeated for four consecutive minutes. Once you complete the first exercise, immediately move onto the next. When you finish the full cycle, rest for five minutes, and repeat as desired.
Pro tip:
It's not easy to sustain 100 percent max effort, so work at the highest
effort output level you're able to in order to sustain the interval
pace of four minutes per cycle.
1. Medicine Ball Slam
Targets: Full body, cardio
2. Half Jacks
Targets: Full body, cardio
3. Burpee
Targets: Full body, cardio
4. Battling Rope Alternating Underhand Wave
Targets: Arms, cardio
5. Mountain Climbers
Targets: Full body, cardio