


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Plus ferme en dix minutes par jour !

Tabata works for women!

La méthode Tabata. Testée sur des militaires et des sportifs de haut niveau, cet entrainement fractionné de haute intensité (High Intensity Interval Training) alterne 20 secondes de travail avec 10 secondes de repos et combine des exercices de cardio avec du renforcement musculaire. Simple à mettre en place, elle peut se pratiquer dans un espace réduit, seule ou à deux et promet un résultat optimal pour un temps minimal.

The Tabata method. Tested on military and elite athletes, the high-intensity interval training (High Intensity Interval Training) alternates 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds rest and combines cardio exercises with strength training. Simple to set up, it can be done in a small space, one or two and promises optimum results for minimum time.

full article: link

Make a splash: 5 indoor aqua exercises you must try!

This article describes 5 types of "aqua gym"

"Aqua Tabata
It is a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that is effective in burning calories in water. Tabata training was developed by Japanese coach Dr Izumi Tabata, wherein a number of exercises are performed within a duration of 20 seconds. Post which, you are allowed to take a break of 10 seconds, and then repeat the same movements in high intensity. It helps in reducing knee and back pain."

Full article: link

Friday, 19 June 2015

Short and sweet

In this article, the truth cannot be clearer:

Research has shown that shorter bouts of exercise aren’t just equally as effective as longer ones, but actually surpass them in terms of cardiac health benefits and performance"
"In the study, the precise amount of minutes engaged in physical activity whether in bursts or continuous stretches across all groups was kept identical, leading the researchers to the conclusion that the shorter bursts, minute for minute, were therefore more effective than the extended periods of time in achieving measurable benefits to the cardiovascular system. "

Full article : link

Use tabata training to relieve stress

This exercise technique can help you improve your stress levels. 

The stress-relieving benefits of yoga and meditation are well-known, but sometimes it’s better not to take the foot off the pedal, personal trainer Lee Sutherland says.
“Exercise increases your brain’s production of endorphins, which are the feelgood neurotransmitters responsible for the coveted ‘runner’s high’, that feeling of euphoria and wellbeing,” she explains.
You don’t need to do an hour-long spin session. Instead, Sutherland suggests doing short bursts. “Tabata training is 20 seconds of cardio work, 10 seconds rest and repeated eight times,” she says. “It’s a great way to get that post-workout rush without raising levels of [the stress hormone] cortisol like a long-distance run can. The result is a perfect stress release.”