


Saturday, 17 October 2015

Forget The Gym, This Unbelievable 4-Minute Miracle Workout Will Burn Your Fat Like No Other

 What do you think of those exercises? Is it sufficient to reach the Tabata intensity?


You have to complete each exercise (whatever you choose to do) for 20 seconds taking as many reps as possible in that time, rest for 10 seconds, and then, move on to the next exercise. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat this process for the remaining exercises. Choose 4 kinds of exercises, do them for 20 seconds each (a total of 80 seconds) while taking a 10-second break after every exercise (40 seconds). Two sets of these. Got it?

Lists of Exercises That You Can Try

1. Bench Press
2. Sit ups
3. Squats
4. Crunches
5. Deadlifts
6. Sprints
7. Pull ups
8. Stairs
9. Mountain Climbing
10. Shoulder Press
11. Flys
12. Leg raises
13. Calf raises

Tread With Caution

Firstly, always warm up before you begin these high-intensity Tabata workouts.
This training is definitely not for beginners. They are best for advanced exercisers who are comfortable with the high-intensity workouts.
Like we said, as the exercises are mostly high-impact, high-intensity, there is a greater risk of injury involved. You can start by making yourself fit for this kind of training, and of course, mentally prepare yourself too.
Your choice of exercise should be the one that uses a large number of muscles for a higher impact. Also, your nutrition levels should be top-notch to achieve this kind of fitness goal.
It’s perfectly normal to feel soreness during the first week of this training. However, fret not because your body will automatically adjust itself after a week or so.

Full article: link 

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