


Sunday, 29 November 2015

There's a new fitness craze taking Hollywood by storm - and very soon it'll be the talk of your gym.

Guess what?
It's TABATA training!

"Tabata discovered his trendsetters' anaerobic fitness levels over 120 minutes increased more than they did for his control group members, who worked out for 1,800 minutes over the same period. He was so stunned by the results, he put his name to the training regime, and now Tabata is fast becoming the next big metabolism-burning, fat-crunching, heart rate pounding thing.

Of course, it's not for everyone - you have to be relatively fit to even think about this workout, but it's worth it. Advanced fitness buffs have discovered you're asking so much of your body that your metabolism will stay in overdrive for hours after your workout, burning fat while you go about your life outside the gym.

It's also great for those planning to run a first marathon or take part in an Iron Man contest, as Tabata is a quick way to build endurance and stamina, because the work-out helps the body tolerate lactic acid, the enemy for all long-distance runners."

Full article: link 


Saturday, 14 November 2015

HIIT: Why The Quick & Dirty Workout Is So Effective Scientists Have Proven Why 20 Minutes Of HIIT Exercise Gets You Fit


Long Story Short

Cast your doubts aside: High-Intensity Interval Training really works – especially if it's part of a balanced training routine.

Long Story

Who wants to get ripped in only 20 minutes a day? Yeah, thought so. A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences sheds some light on the inner workings of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts. True to the name, HIIT workouts are short, ultra-intense workouts that are gaining momentum due to their time-effectiveness and successes. This study looked into the cellular mechanism of how HIIT is able to efficiently improve endurance despite its short length.
HIIT, in its current form, has been around since the '70s. One of the most popular HIIT types is known as Tabata training (which can refer to a lot of different regimes today) and is named after Japanese sports scientist Izumi Tabata and his work with Olympic speed skaters. HIIT workout regimens can be composed of HIIT alone or in conjunction with longer endurance training.

Full article: link

News/ Work Out Like Carrie Underwood! Trainer Shares a Do-Anywhere Routine Inspired by the Country Star (and Her Amazing Bod)

Tabata works!

Oprea tells E! News, "Using Tabata training as a weightlifting aid has been an absolute game changer for my clients. Not only have I seen great changes in their bodies but also they have had more fun working out with this technique! It's like a bunch of tiny 20-second games, seeing how well you can do each time and trying to beat your previous round. As with all exercises, form is absolutely key here. It does no good to get a ton of reps when your body is all out of whack and you're not doing the move right!"

Full article: link

The Nashville-based trainer, who's also a former Marine, says, "The Tabata itself is best used with a smart phone app. It will count out each round for you and play a sound when you need to start working out or when it's time to rest."
But if you don't want to have your phone with you, no problem! The basics are as follows:
• Perform the exercise for 20 seconds (go hard, you should be exhausted!)
• Rest for 10 seconds
• Repeat the exercise for 20 seconds (you can do one move every time or switch it up)
• Do eight total rounds
"Each of the Tabatas I'm listing for you here will be 2 moves per Tabata," she adds. "Alternate between the exercises until all eight rounds are completed then move onto the next Tabata. Your body will be sore with utter joy and excitement!"