Tabata works!
Oprea tells E! News, "Using Tabata training as a weightlifting aid has
been an absolute game changer for my clients. Not only have I seen great
changes in their bodies but also they have had more fun working out
with this technique! It's like a bunch of tiny 20-second games, seeing
how well you can do each time and trying to beat your previous round. As
with all exercises, form is absolutely key here. It does no good to get
a ton of reps when your body is all out of whack and you're not doing
the move right!"
Full article: link
The Nashville-based trainer, who's also a former Marine, says, "The
Tabata itself is best used with a smart phone app. It will count out
each round for you and play a sound when you need to start working out
or when it's time to rest."
But if you don't want to have your phone with you, no problem! The basics are as follows:
• Perform the exercise for 20 seconds (go hard, you should be exhausted!)
• Rest for 10 seconds
• Repeat the exercise for 20 seconds (you can do one move every time or switch it up)
• Do eight total rounds
• Rest for 10 seconds
• Repeat the exercise for 20 seconds (you can do one move every time or switch it up)
• Do eight total rounds
of the Tabatas I'm listing for you here will be 2 moves per Tabata,"
she adds. "Alternate between the exercises until all eight rounds are
completed then move onto the next Tabata. Your body will be sore with
utter joy and excitement!"
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