


Saturday, 5 March 2016

Fittest Loser Workplace Tip: Tabata a short, powerful workout


The timing is important for tabata training -- a high-intensity interval training workout where you go nuts for 20 seconds, take a 10 second rest and then repeat that cycle until you hit 4 minutes. To help you keep track, there are lots of timers and apps out there, like Totally Tabata.

Do you think you can try it at the office?

Don't want to be a sweaty mess at work? You can also use the tabata method for strength training or an ab workout.
Here's one I like for triceps:
Exercise 1: Tricep dips (use stable chair or stairs at work)
Exercise 2: Leg extensions
Exercises 3: Chair or wall squats
Exercise 4: Leg extensions (sit in chair or on step and extend one leg at a time)
Do 20 seconds of each exercise, one at a time, followed by 10 seconds of rest until you hit 4 minutes."

Full article: link


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