


Sunday, 7 April 2013

a deal with Universal Studios to develop a DVD series highlighting Tabata!

Great news..Tabata is on its way to become even more popular...

"I decided to do this because I often go on YouTube and, while I am honoured that people are doing it, some are doing it wrong because they don't realise the intensity you need to work at," says Tabata.

This is what I think also!

Now, Dr. Tabata wants to bring his protocol to the masses. The Guardian recently reported on a deal with Universal Studios to develop a DVD series highlighting the system, expected to be released later this year. While Tabata's research has led to the protocol's adoption by many in the fitness industry — including CrossFit and other popular exercise methodologies — he's concerned many aren't using the system that effectively. Namely, the 20-second intervals need to be all-out sprints, and as The Guardian quotes, the doctor is concerned people aren't hitting the necessary intensity during those sprints: "If you feel OK afterwards you've not done it properly." The forthcoming instructional videos could help encourage exercisers to push past their perceived limits and hit the level of intensity necessary to get Tabata's full effect. 

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