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A Tabata analysis and what it teaches us about Metcon
Let’s take Tabata for example - one of MetCon’s most well known protocols:
Usually performed with one, relatively simple exercise - such as a fan bike:
8 rounds
20 seconds of work
10 seconds of rest
at what would equal 170% of your Vo2max
Do you have any idea how mother truckin’ hard that is?
Let’s put this in perspective: V02 Max is the maximum amount of oxygen
you can consume during intense exercise. It is commonly measured on a
treadmill where by you gradually increase the speed/incline until you
damn near fall off the machine. THAT’S your Vo2max (ie - 100% of your
Now, of course, oxygen is not the only way the body produces energy. In
her infinite wisdom, mother nature gave us another energy system - sans
oxygen - that is more powerful but far less resolute, capable of
producing shorter bouts of impressive, explosive energy.
Imagine all systems go...the whole kit and caboodle...the baby, the
bathwater, and the kitchen sink - producing a max effort at what would
equal 170% of your Vo2max.
That’s powerful.
Now imagine sustaining that for 20 seconds.
Not easy.
Now imagine resting for 10 seconds, which by some magical time-warp
continuum ends up feeling like 1/10th of a second. And imagine repeating
that 7 times.
THAT’S Tabata.
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