


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Tabata, Yoga and Core Training

This is an example of session for Core training, Yoga (flexibility / joints), and Tabata (HIIT, Cardio, Body weight training):

1) Yoga : 20mn, with 1mn for each position. Mix of standing positions
For instance (swap left and right side):

(Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose)
(Extended Side Angle Pose)
(Revolved Triangle Pose)
(Tree Pose)
(Standing Split)
(Warrior III Pose)
(Warrior II Pose)

2) Core-training 10mn non-stop : Turkish get-up, with kettlebell, dumbbell or big bottle of water
3) Tabata
3 rounds of Tabata with repeating for each round:
  1. Max Burpees for 20s, 10s rest
  2. Max High knees for 20s, 10s rest
  3. Max Air Squat for 20s, 10s rest
  4. Max Mountain Climber for 20s, 10s rest
  5. Max Burpees for 20s, 10s rest
  6. Max High knees for 20s, 10s rest
  7. Max Air Squat for 20s, 10s rest
  8. Max Mountain Climber for 20s, 10s rest
Repeat 3 times the full sequence with only 1mn rest between each Tabata round

TOTAL : 20mn YOGA + 10mn CORE + 15mn TABATA (3 rounds of 4mn + 3 x 1mn rest) = 45mn


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