


Saturday, 1 March 2014

Tabata Training Is Here to Stay

In this article, one personal trainer applies Tabata training for his customers and admit its efficacy.


After several weeks of incorporating tabata into my clients' routines, along with my personal regimen, I noticed big differences in performance levels and body composition. As with any HIIT session, your body undergoes a heavy workload, which keeps your heart rate high and body in the training zone that will burn fat and build strength.
Tabata has changed my outlook on interval training. The short burst of activity followed by even shorter rest allows you to put your body in a state of high level physical pursuit. It's mental along with physical in that you must have the strength to perform the task and be able to withstand the urge to give up. Try this: Perform a tabata circuit at home or at the gym with just body weight exercises. Start with push ups for eight rounds at the 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest ratio. When finished, grab some water and rest for one minute. Then clock yourself for eight rounds of sit ups. When done, water up for one minute. Last exercise in the circuit, perform jump squats for eight rounds at the 20 second/10 second work to rest interval. This will put your body in the metabolic training mode that burns fat, tones your body and helps you get the results you want.

Full article:

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