


Wednesday, 30 December 2015

High intensity workout great fit for busy mom


Q: What health benefits have you seen from Tabata Bootcamp?
A: Being aware of your body; educating people on eating the right foods makes a big difference; strength and feeling empowered makes a big difference. People in my class make themselves feel empowered. They get support from each other. We focus on developing strength and balance.
People lose inches around their waist. They strengthen their core. The muscles become nice and tight. We work on cardio. We try not to focus on weight, but more on BMI (Body Mass Index). We work on cardio. People do not want a week off between sessions. They don't want a break. They want to keep on going.

Full article: link


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Sunday, 29 November 2015

There's a new fitness craze taking Hollywood by storm - and very soon it'll be the talk of your gym.

Guess what?
It's TABATA training!

"Tabata discovered his trendsetters' anaerobic fitness levels over 120 minutes increased more than they did for his control group members, who worked out for 1,800 minutes over the same period. He was so stunned by the results, he put his name to the training regime, and now Tabata is fast becoming the next big metabolism-burning, fat-crunching, heart rate pounding thing.

Of course, it's not for everyone - you have to be relatively fit to even think about this workout, but it's worth it. Advanced fitness buffs have discovered you're asking so much of your body that your metabolism will stay in overdrive for hours after your workout, burning fat while you go about your life outside the gym.

It's also great for those planning to run a first marathon or take part in an Iron Man contest, as Tabata is a quick way to build endurance and stamina, because the work-out helps the body tolerate lactic acid, the enemy for all long-distance runners."

Full article: link 


Saturday, 14 November 2015

HIIT: Why The Quick & Dirty Workout Is So Effective Scientists Have Proven Why 20 Minutes Of HIIT Exercise Gets You Fit


Long Story Short

Cast your doubts aside: High-Intensity Interval Training really works – especially if it's part of a balanced training routine.

Long Story

Who wants to get ripped in only 20 minutes a day? Yeah, thought so. A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences sheds some light on the inner workings of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts. True to the name, HIIT workouts are short, ultra-intense workouts that are gaining momentum due to their time-effectiveness and successes. This study looked into the cellular mechanism of how HIIT is able to efficiently improve endurance despite its short length.
HIIT, in its current form, has been around since the '70s. One of the most popular HIIT types is known as Tabata training (which can refer to a lot of different regimes today) and is named after Japanese sports scientist Izumi Tabata and his work with Olympic speed skaters. HIIT workout regimens can be composed of HIIT alone or in conjunction with longer endurance training.

Full article: link

News/ Work Out Like Carrie Underwood! Trainer Shares a Do-Anywhere Routine Inspired by the Country Star (and Her Amazing Bod)

Tabata works!

Oprea tells E! News, "Using Tabata training as a weightlifting aid has been an absolute game changer for my clients. Not only have I seen great changes in their bodies but also they have had more fun working out with this technique! It's like a bunch of tiny 20-second games, seeing how well you can do each time and trying to beat your previous round. As with all exercises, form is absolutely key here. It does no good to get a ton of reps when your body is all out of whack and you're not doing the move right!"

Full article: link

The Nashville-based trainer, who's also a former Marine, says, "The Tabata itself is best used with a smart phone app. It will count out each round for you and play a sound when you need to start working out or when it's time to rest."
But if you don't want to have your phone with you, no problem! The basics are as follows:
• Perform the exercise for 20 seconds (go hard, you should be exhausted!)
• Rest for 10 seconds
• Repeat the exercise for 20 seconds (you can do one move every time or switch it up)
• Do eight total rounds
"Each of the Tabatas I'm listing for you here will be 2 moves per Tabata," she adds. "Alternate between the exercises until all eight rounds are completed then move onto the next Tabata. Your body will be sore with utter joy and excitement!"

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Burning fat in a minute: Is micro workout good for your body?


The focus is kept on the speed and intensity of the exercises while working out. The rule is simple - the faster you go the better results you get. "The concept has come from Tabata training practiced by Japanese athletes. The idea is to take the heart rate up for a few seconds and then cool down for another few, and repeating the same for a couple of minutes. The variation of heart rate makes the body burn more fat for energy," explains Luke Coutinho, head nutritionist and master coach, GOQii.
These workouts enhance the muscular as well as cardiovascular abilities, and also improve strength and stamina. However, the calorie burn in micro workout is not as much as in the normal workouts. But it boosts metabolism. "You only burn 40-50 calories in a four minute micro workout. But it enhances your calorie burning capacity through-Promising amazing calorie burn in a couple of minutes, micro workouts are increasingly becoming popular. But do they give results? We find out for you out the day. So your body can burn 400-500 calories over the next 5-6 hours," says Coutinho.

Full article : link


Forget The Gym, This Unbelievable 4-Minute Miracle Workout Will Burn Your Fat Like No Other

 What do you think of those exercises? Is it sufficient to reach the Tabata intensity?


You have to complete each exercise (whatever you choose to do) for 20 seconds taking as many reps as possible in that time, rest for 10 seconds, and then, move on to the next exercise. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat this process for the remaining exercises. Choose 4 kinds of exercises, do them for 20 seconds each (a total of 80 seconds) while taking a 10-second break after every exercise (40 seconds). Two sets of these. Got it?

Lists of Exercises That You Can Try

1. Bench Press
2. Sit ups
3. Squats
4. Crunches
5. Deadlifts
6. Sprints
7. Pull ups
8. Stairs
9. Mountain Climbing
10. Shoulder Press
11. Flys
12. Leg raises
13. Calf raises

Tread With Caution

Firstly, always warm up before you begin these high-intensity Tabata workouts.
This training is definitely not for beginners. They are best for advanced exercisers who are comfortable with the high-intensity workouts.
Like we said, as the exercises are mostly high-impact, high-intensity, there is a greater risk of injury involved. You can start by making yourself fit for this kind of training, and of course, mentally prepare yourself too.
Your choice of exercise should be the one that uses a large number of muscles for a higher impact. Also, your nutrition levels should be top-notch to achieve this kind of fitness goal.
It’s perfectly normal to feel soreness during the first week of this training. However, fret not because your body will automatically adjust itself after a week or so.

Full article: link 

Sunday, 4 October 2015

The workout that fits you

Full article: link


"Tabata training is one of the most effective forms of HIIT and can last from four minutes to 20 minutes, depending on your preference. This is a workout of eight sets of your choosing. For example, push-ups for 20 seconds and a ten second break.
Another of the benefits of HIIT is that it can increase your metabolism and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels. A study by the Department of Physical Education, Sports Science and Recreation Management from Loughborough University, UK, found that these types of workouts can increase your HGH up to 450 percent higher in the one day after the workout."


The time course of the human growth hormone response to a 6 s and a 30 s cycle ergometer sprint.
Stokes KA, Nevill ME, Hall GM, Lakomy HK.

Department of Physical Education, Sports Science and Recreation Management, Loughborough University, UK.

Exercise is a potent stimulus for the release of human growth hormone (hGH), but the time course of the hGH response to sprint exercise has not been studied. The aim of the present study was to determine the time course of the hGH response to a 6 s and a 30 s maximal sprint on a cycle ergometer. Nine males completed two trials, on one occasion performing a single 6 s sprint and on another a single 30 s sprint. They then rested on a couch for 4 h while blood samples were obtained. Three of the participants completed a further control trial involving no exercise. Metabolic responses were greater after the 30 s sprint than after the 6 s sprint. The highest measured mean serum hGH concentrations after the 30 s sprint were more than 450% greater than after the 6 s sprint (18.5 +/- 3.1 vs 4.0 +/- 1.5 microg l(-1), P < 0.05). Serum hGH also remained elevated for 90-120 min after the 30 s sprint compared with approximately 60 min after the 6 s sprint. There was a large inter-individual variation in the hGH response to the 30 s sprint. In the control trial, serum hGH concentrations were not elevated above baseline at any time. It would appear that the duration of a bout of maximal sprint exercise determines the magnitude of the hGH response, although the mechanism for this is still unclear.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Le HIIT ou comment maigrir en faisant 7 minutes de sport ?

Des coachs comme Brian MacKenzie furent parmi les premiers à expliquer qu’il n’était pas utile de courir des heures pour préparer un marathon, mais qu’il fallait au contraire privilégier des séances d’entrainement plus courtes mais plus intenses. Parmi les méthodes de HIIT les plus connues, on retrouve le Crossfit® * ou le protocole Tabata** mais aussi d'autres programmes qui alterneront tous (pour notre plus grand plaisir) jumping jack, pompes, abdominaux, la chaise, squats, gainage, pompes et sprint !

Il est essentiel de rappeler que l'importance de l'encadrement par un coach est à la hauteur de l'intensité de cet entrainement.

Full article : link 


You Won't Believe How Short This Expert Says Your Workout Can Be

To lose weight, you don't always need to spend hours at the gym. In fact, HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, has been proven to be one of the best ways to burn more calories and target belly fat. But just how short can you get? Try just four minutes, according to Tabata program director and head coach of Lock Box LA PJ Stahl. According to PJ, the length of just one Tabata cycle is enough to see the results that the interval-training technique is known for, including fat loss, improved metabolism, and better endurance. "You only do one Tabata four-minute protocol in your entire workout," PJ says. "The reason that the Tabata program works is because I designed it to utilise 20 seconds of beyond-maximum intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight rounds, totalling to four minutes," he explains. The trick is in the 20 seconds, during which you are supposed to exercise past your metabolic threshold — in other words, an 11 on a one-to-10 scale of rate of perceived exertion.

Full article: link

Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Tabata Fat Torcher

Resistance to get going is one of the biggest obstacles to getting your daily endorphins kick but want to know the secret? You need to trick your mind with the promise that your exercise will be short and sweet with lots of rest in between! Introducing Tabata – everyone’s favourite interval training method that consists of eight rounds of 20 second workouts with 10 seconds rest between each. Nadine’s stringed together 3 Tabata routines for a full-body workout you can do anywhere – all you need is a skipping rope and a bench or step and you’re good to go…

Tabata 3
The Leg Thruster: 4 minutes
·       Using a bench, start with one foot up and the other on the floor.
·       Jump up as high as possible so your foot leaves the ground and the knee drives to your chest.
·       Return to the standing position as gently as possible. To keep your balance, squeeze your core muscles tight.
·       Repeat on the same leg for 20 seconds.
·       Rest for 10 seconds.
·       Repeat on the opposite leg for 20 seconds.
·       Rest for 10 seconds.
·       Repeat 4 times. 

Full article: link

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

20-Minute Burn and Tone Tabata Workout

It's Tabata time! This effective HIIT (high-intensity interval training) mixes well with bodyweight exercises.

Full article: link 


Sunday, 26 July 2015

Total-Body Tabata — Get Ready to Torch and Tone

Nothing beats Tabata workouts for maximising the benefits of a workout. This interval training helps burn calories and build muscle in 20 minutes. For the four-minute Tabata round, we mix two complementary exercises, so you can go strong and maintain good form for all your reps.

Full article:  link

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Plus ferme en dix minutes par jour !

Tabata works for women!

La méthode Tabata. Testée sur des militaires et des sportifs de haut niveau, cet entrainement fractionné de haute intensité (High Intensity Interval Training) alterne 20 secondes de travail avec 10 secondes de repos et combine des exercices de cardio avec du renforcement musculaire. Simple à mettre en place, elle peut se pratiquer dans un espace réduit, seule ou à deux et promet un résultat optimal pour un temps minimal.

The Tabata method. Tested on military and elite athletes, the high-intensity interval training (High Intensity Interval Training) alternates 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds rest and combines cardio exercises with strength training. Simple to set up, it can be done in a small space, one or two and promises optimum results for minimum time.

full article: link

Make a splash: 5 indoor aqua exercises you must try!

This article describes 5 types of "aqua gym"

"Aqua Tabata
It is a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that is effective in burning calories in water. Tabata training was developed by Japanese coach Dr Izumi Tabata, wherein a number of exercises are performed within a duration of 20 seconds. Post which, you are allowed to take a break of 10 seconds, and then repeat the same movements in high intensity. It helps in reducing knee and back pain."

Full article: link

Friday, 19 June 2015

Short and sweet

In this article, the truth cannot be clearer:

Research has shown that shorter bouts of exercise aren’t just equally as effective as longer ones, but actually surpass them in terms of cardiac health benefits and performance"
"In the study, the precise amount of minutes engaged in physical activity whether in bursts or continuous stretches across all groups was kept identical, leading the researchers to the conclusion that the shorter bursts, minute for minute, were therefore more effective than the extended periods of time in achieving measurable benefits to the cardiovascular system. "

Full article : link

Use tabata training to relieve stress

This exercise technique can help you improve your stress levels. 

The stress-relieving benefits of yoga and meditation are well-known, but sometimes it’s better not to take the foot off the pedal, personal trainer Lee Sutherland says.
“Exercise increases your brain’s production of endorphins, which are the feelgood neurotransmitters responsible for the coveted ‘runner’s high’, that feeling of euphoria and wellbeing,” she explains.
You don’t need to do an hour-long spin session. Instead, Sutherland suggests doing short bursts. “Tabata training is 20 seconds of cardio work, 10 seconds rest and repeated eight times,” she says. “It’s a great way to get that post-workout rush without raising levels of [the stress hormone] cortisol like a long-distance run can. The result is a perfect stress release.”

Sunday, 31 May 2015


Run 10 kms in the morning. I did this for a race. 43mn56 but my target will be 42mn30s in the next couple of months. Weather is still challenging so running outdoor is not always practical.

Then in the afternoon, pick randomely on of these exercices with 40kgs loaded barbell. You can replace by kettlebells, weight body exercises such as push-ups, air squats, lunges etc...

1 Military press shoulders
2 Thruster
3 Bear
4 Javorek
5 Front Squat
6 Back squat
7 Curls biceps
8 Squats with overhead
9 Regular squat
10 Bear

Monday, 25 May 2015

How to Stay Fit Despite a Demanding Job

It is a good question, isn'it?
Volume of training matters but until a certain level. Progress are not linear.

Work Out Efficiently
Cater to Your Own Likes and Dislikes

Use Competitions as Motivation 
Make a Schedule and Commit to It
Track Your Activity Levels
Choose Something Over Nothing

Full article: link  

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Any type of activity can be customised into a high-intensity interval training session

Interesting article with a good summary of mainstream HIIT method...with of course Tabata training!


Tabata: Named after the Japanese ­professor Izumi Tabata, who conducted a 1996 study into the effect of interval ­training on Olympic speed skaters, Tabata is a single-activity workout with on-off ­periods – 20 seconds of high-intensity ­activity, and as many reps as possible, followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of four minutes.
Sample workout: For cardio, start with a three-minute warm-up, then sprint for 20 seconds, walk for 10 seconds, and repeat for a total of eight intervals. For full-body, after warming up try a killer set of full burpees.
The LIttle Method: Developed by doctors Jonathan Little and Martin Gibala in 2009, this involves HIIT workouts at 95 per cent peak oxygen uptake with 60 seconds of high intensity followed by 75 seconds at low intensity for 12 cycles and a total of 27 minutes.
Sample workout: Start with a three-minute warm-up then cycle for 60 seconds as fast as possible and at maximum resistance followed by 75 seconds of slow cycling at reduced intensity. Repeat the high/low cycle for the full 27 minutes.
Turbulence training: The brainchild of certified strength and conditioning specialist Craig Ballantyne, this focuses on a combination of strength and cardio training using eight-repetition weight-training sets alternated with one- to two-minute cardio sets for a maximum of 45 minutes.
Sample workout: Start with a five-minute warm-up followed by an eight-rep set of any preferred weights move, such as a dumbbell split squat, followed by one minute of mountain climbers for up to 45 minutes.
Seven-minute workout: A fitness craze that debuted in mid-2013, thanks to an article in the New York Times, this workout was first published in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal and features a set series of 12 30-second exercises, with 10 seconds’ rest between each, and simply requires a wall, a chair and your own body weight.
The workout: After warming up, it’s 30 seconds on/10 seconds off of jumping jacks, wall sits, push-ups, crunches, chair step-ups, squats, triceps dips, plank, high knees, lunges, rotating push-ups and side plank. Repeat the circuit two or three times for a longer workout if required.


Workout Wednesday: Dyan Tsiumis' Tabata Circuit

Fit in 15: Fat-Burning Tabata Circuit

This article starts with a good idea "This bodyweight-only Tabata circuit gets the job done when you’re short on time."

But the exercises proposes won't reach the 170% of VO2Max required to benefit from Tabata interval protocol:
  • Bodyweight Squat
  • Pushup
  • Alternating Lunge
  • Plank
 Squat can be enhanced by carrying a backbag or using two bottles of water and perform thrusters. Push-up won't be intense enough for your entire body (but can be intense for pecs, triceps and front shoulder) so you can try to clap your hands at each repetition. Alternating lunge could reach a sufficient level of intensity if you jump as well in between each leg. Finally, plank is definitely not going to push your oxygen consumption to 170% VO2max but it's a foundation exercice for core.

Full article:

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Roll Your Own Tabata Routines for the Microsoft Band

Tabata training is so famous that now it is directly included into the fitness bands.

"Of the 125 workouts provided in the Microsoft Health app for the Microsoft Band, 34 are Tabata. Some of these offer only a single exercise instead of a group of exercises".

Want to know more? Follow the LINK

Making interval training work for you

In this article, the HIIT is proposed for two groups of athletes.
The Tabata training is not described properly ("Originally designed specifically for runners and consisting primarily of training specific sprinting intervals") but the latter part of the article is more interesting:

Naturally, the interval for group 1 will be shorter, ranging from 5-10 seconds, followed by a rest time of 3-4 minutes. In other words if your sport or activity falls in group one, your workout should be 10-16 bouts of 7 seconds of the highest intensity of activity that is as sport-specific as possible, resting 3-4 minutes between rounds. Things like performing a specific lift or squat, sprint, or box jumps are all appropriate.
A workout for group 2 should look more like 20-30 bouts of 15- to 30-second intervals with only 1 to 2 minutes of rest. Again sport-specific activities are ideal for athletes, but creating a circuit (four to five activities that you rotate through like burpees, box jumps, push ups, squats, etc.) is another good option and can provide some variety and interest to an otherwise repetitive workout."

Want to know what are group 1 and 2? Follow the link 

Saturday, 28 March 2015

8 Amazing Fitness Programs to Try Before Bikini Season Arrives

Here are 8 trendy fitness programs:

1. FlyWheel
2. Tabata
3. Kayla Itsines
4. Megaformer
5. F45
6. Fitness Blender
7. Physique F.I.T
8. Shadowbox

"Based on the principles of high intensity interval training, Tabata is a fat-burning workout that gyms across the country are quickly starting to offer–and you can also do equipment-free versions of the workout at home. In the ’90s a Japanese professor led a study showing that exactly four minutes of intense interval training was just as effective as hours of lighter workouts–the “Tabata Protocol” was born.
A proper Tabata workout should include a 10 minute warmup during which you increase your heart rate by doing stuff like lunges or high knees. Then, the “Tabata” part of your workout should only last for exactly four minutes, and usually involves repeating one exercise quickly and intensely (like squats or jumping jacks) for 20 painful seconds, and then taking a 10 second recovery.
This is repeated eight times, with a focus on working just one muscle group, and really pushing yourself 100 percent during the 20 second working period."

Full article: link

3 Minutes of Sprint Interval Training

HIIT is a very efficient protocol to get back to shape & health.


"Short-term interval training using a 10-minute protocol that included 2 minutes of warm-up, a total 1 minute of intense exercise interspersed with 2 minutes of recovery, and 3 minutes of cool down could stimulate improvement in physiologic factors that are linked to improved health in overweight adults"

Full article: link
Short-term interval training using a 10-minute protocol that included 2 minutes of warm-up, a total 1 minute of intense exercise interspersed with 2 minutes of recovery, and 3 minutes of cool down could stimulate improvement in physiologic factors that are linked to improved health in overweight adults - See more at:
Short-term interval training using a 10-minute protocol that included 2 minutes of warm-up, a total 1 minute of intense exercise interspersed with 2 minutes of recovery, and 3 minutes of cool down could stimulate improvement in physiologic factors that are linked to improved health in overweight adults. - See more at:
Short-term interval training using a 10-minute protocol that included 2 minutes of warm-up, a total 1 minute of intense exercise interspersed with 2 minutes of recovery, and 3 minutes of cool down could stimulate improvement in physiologic factors that are linked to improved health in overweight adults. - See more at:

Carrie Underwood's personal trainer is using TABATA

Carrie Underwood's personal trainer reveals how she plans to whip singer back into shape just weeks after she welcomed first child.

She added: 'Sprints and interval training is gonna be a good way to lean down quickly.'
Erin outlined one of Carrie's favorite styles of training, revealing: 'We do lots of tabatas. I do tabatas with all my clients.
'Tabata is a four-minute workout. It's 20 seconds of intense bursts exercise followed by ten seconds of rest for eight rounds. It's my favorite style of training right now.'
Erin gave a popular Tabata exercise she's used for pregnant clients, which includes two round of squats, curls, sumo squats, and bent over rows, for twenty seconds each, for a total of eight rounds.
While many new moms often struggle to find the time to workout, Erin stresses the importance of 'incorporating fitness into your everyday life'.

Full article: link

Sunday, 15 February 2015

You Won't Believe How Short This Expert Says Your Workout Can Be


To lose weight, you don't always need to spend hours at the gym. In fact, HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, has been proven to be one of the best ways to burn more calories and target belly fat. But just how short can you get? Try just four minutes, according to Tabata program director and head coach of Lock Box LA, PJ Stahl


Professional Opinion: Are quick, high-intensity interval workouts for me?

This week, Phillip Thomas, a certified personal trainer and wellness coach at Beaufort Memorial's LifeFit Wellness Center, discusses quick, high intensity workouts and who would most benefit from them.
Question. I've heard about a seven-minute workout or Tabata training, a high-intensity interval training workout that encourages you to push yourself to the max for a quick full-body workout. The workouts are difficult but short -- even though they're just a few minutes, it's an excruciating few minutes. What are the risks, if any, of pushing yourself that hard? Is this a good workout to try if I'm out of shape? Or is it better for people who are in shape and looking to maintain?
Answer. High-intensity interval training is a great tactic to use during exercise, especially for cardiovascular training, though it can be used with resistance exercises, which can sometimes be boring and monotonous to the everyday exerciser, as well.
HIIT is taking short bursts of intense work with minimal rest periods between each round. It usually involves multiple muscle groups working simultaneously, which creates a high demand on the lungs to take in oxygen. This is a very different feeling compared to more steady-state resistance or cardiovascular training. HIIT also spikes your metabolism, which allows your body to burn more calories throughout the day, even after the workout has finished.
The term high-intensity, however, is going to be relative to the individual. For a new exerciser, incline walks on the treadmill may require a highly intense burst of energy. However, for an experienced and conditioned exerciser, walking on an incline may be used for active recovery.

Read more here:

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Shape up: Hot fitness trends for 2015

Tabata is still trendy!


The hottest fitness trends for 2015 are body weight training and high intensity interval training, according to the ninth annual survey of 3,400 health and fitness professionals worldwide by the American College of Sports Medicine
High intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, involves short bursts of intense activity, followed by brief periods of rest. You can burn more fat and build more muscle in the half hour or less it takes to perform a typical HIIT routine than you can in an hour or more of conventional aerobic or resistance training, multiple studies have shown.
Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata demonstrated that in his Tabata routine, 20 seconds of all-out cycling, followed by 10 seconds of slow peddling, repeated for four minutes increased VO2 max (maximal aerobic capacity) as much as did 45 minutes of long, slow cardio.
You’re burning fat long after you’ve left the gym, because HIIT raises your metabolic rate and keeps it high for many hours. A Tabata routine burns fat almost exclusively, not both fat and muscle, as conventional cardio exercises tend to do.
A typical Tabata routine consists of a 5-minute warm-up, a 4-minute all-out cycle, 2 minutes of rest, followed by another 4-minute cycle with a different exercise, and a 5-minute cool down. Another popular HIIT workout is Crossfit.

Boxmaster anyone?

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

News about Tabata

The Tabata training
I would like to review Tabata, another form of HIIT or high intensity interval training. Tabata training, also called the Tabata regimen, came out of a ...
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What is the Tabata workout?
It's only how long into the new year and already you're complaining you don't have time to exercise? Apparently, you've never heard of Tabata training ...
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Bridges to the Community offers winter exercise programs
Tabata Interval Training will be held Thursdays 6:45-7:30 p.m. in the Deerfield High School small gym on Jan. 8, 15, 29, Feb. 5, 12. Fee is $18 or $5 ...
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Recreation programs at Brandon University a hit
Tabata is high intensity interval training. Each class includes four exercises where participants will work at their personal high level of intensity for 20 ...
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Four-minute Tabata workout review: high-intensity hell
There's no denying it: the festive season is upon us, and much as we like the idea of heading into Christmas in good shape, when our diaries are as ...
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Body weight training, HIIT are hottest trends
The hottest fitness trends for 2015 are body weight training and high ... Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata demonstrated that in his Tabata routine, ...
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Albany, Lee County YMCAs offering bootcamp programs
Tabata Bootcamp is an eight-week program that combines high-intensity ... and oversight and analysis from a local, trained and certified instructor.
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