


Saturday 29 September 2012

We Tried This: Fast and Furious Tabata

Specific classes including Tabata and HIIT are becoming more and more popular, and people can see the results.
In this article, after reminding the Tabata protocol, the author emphasizes the EPOC effect of Tabata:
Even though regular aerobic-style workouts like long-distance running and sculpting classes may burn more calories than Tabata for the duration of the exercise, Young argues that her class participants see the difference in the hours following the workout. “During the 24 to 36 hours after your workout, there is an increase in your resting metabolic rate,” she explains. “Basically, you are going to burn more fat over the next 24 to 36 hours than you normally would — as opposed to if you were doing a steady state workout like running on a treadmill.”


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